Episode 0: Introducing Lagralane Spirits


We formally invite you into our living room for a family spirit sympinein.

We, Jason and Yvonne Lee, husband and wife, father and mother, actors, producers, and explorers of identity, would like to invite you to a real talk meeting of the minds over reverent cocktails. 

This season we are exposing the roots of our identities, and by doing so we are hoping you’ll take some time to think about your own. From cultural connections to the authors of history, from biological origins to the families we create, we are digging deep into who makes us who we are and what makes us who we are. 

You’ll be hearing from some extraordinary guests including notable actors, producers, and award-winning writers. 

We will be honoring the word “symposium” with some delicious cocktails. Symposium comes from the Greek word symposion which means to drink together. We’ll be chatting and drinking with some extraordinary guests including notable actors, producers, and award-winning writers. And each episode will feature a spirit-based cocktail, with a recipe you can make at home so you can join us. 

Enjoy responsibly. 



Episode 01: The Descendant’s Identity